Our Impact

2022 YWCA USA Program Inventory and Impact Summary

YWCA USA is a strong network nationwide of 194 local associations. Local associations are asked yearly to provide program-level data for collective impact evaluations. In 2022, 135 (68.9%) local associations reported on their programs and impact. Impact data provided throughout recognizes those who submitted and is not the collective 196. Women, girls and families enrolled in YWCA Local Associations nationwide.


people served


were women and girls


Black, Indigenous, People of Color

Racial Justice and Civil Rights

Our 2022 Program Inventory and Impact Survey program survey) shows fifty-five percent of associations engaging in racial justice (RJ) initiatives. With 98 programs, local associations are poised to mobilize on initiatives that prevent racial inequities and ensure fairness for all. This RJ Impact Area Summary sheds light on local associations’ activities and trends that can enrich programming.

  • 73 Local Associations

  • 98 programs

  • Served 76,133 people

  • 67.99% of people served were people of color

  • 38.17% of people served were Women and Girls


Health & Safety

The Health and Wellness Impact Area covers an array of activities and programs designed to meet community members’ physical and mental health and well-being. Local associations who completed the survey were allowed to select which sub-area the program was being reported on fell into. Sixty-five associations reported having a health and wellness program, and these associations reported:

  • 109 programs

  • Served 114,013 people

  • 47.32% of people served were people of color

  • 64.47% of people served were Women and Girls


Domestic And Sexual Violence Services

Domestic violence and sexual assault (DVSAT) and human trafficking incidents are rising, requiring everyone to pay attention. With 155 programs, YWCA Local Associations are poised to help all violence survivors, whether it is intimate partner violence (i.e., domestic violence), sexual assault, or human trafficking. This DVSAT Impact Area Summary sheds light on local associations’ DVSAT services and highlights trends that can enrich DVSAT programming.

  • 256,744 total served from prevention programs focused on sexual assault, trafficking, domestic violence and more.

  • 61% are Women and Girls



Access to quality childcare programming, rising childcare costs, and the lingering impact of COVID-19 concerning staffing shortages make childcare a burden for the people we serve. In the 2022 Program Inventory and Impact Survey (program survey), 60.7% of reporting local associations offered 153 childcare program services to children and their families, of which 31% live at or below the Federal Poverty Level.

  • 66,373 total people accessed services through childcare and child development and family support programs

  • 64% are Women and Girls


Housing and Housing Services

Housing and Housing programs are designed to assist the people in the communities in which they live. Forty-eight associations reported having a housing/housing program

  • 99 programs

  • Served 31,890 people

  • 59.46% of people served were people of color

  • 70.90% of people served were Women and Girls


Women’s Empowerment

Women’s empowerment programs are designed to increase empowerment among Women and Girls. Programming includes but is not limited to economic advancement and leadership development. Local associations who completed the survey were allowed to select which sub-area the program that was being reported on fell into. Sixty-seven associations reported having a Women’s empowerment program, and these associations reported:

  • 147 programs

  • Served 70,742 people

  • 52.11% of people served were people of color

  • 69.60% of people served were Women and Girls


Girls and Teens Empowerment and Leadership Development

These programs target girls and teens and focus on academics, financial literacy, healthy relationships, and more. Girls and Teens Empowerment and Leadership Development programs are designed to assist girls and teens in exploring various learning opportunities in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and arts. Collectively, the local associations reported:

  • 59 Local Associations

  • 98 programs

  • Served 19,580 people

  • 61.61% of people served were people of color

  • 90.91% of people served were Women and Girls


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